
Témák                                   Üzenetek     Utolsó üzenet      Utolsó név

Illegális lerakatok Zalában   10 db       06.09. 14:31           fojanos

© fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:31 | Válasz | #10
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2009. augusztus 1., szombat 14:29
Ma 2009. augusztus 01. szombaton, végre elmondhatjuk, hogy sikerült,
Teskánd körjegyzőség területén, az összes illegális hulladéklerakót felszámoltuk!
Már csak a folyamatos megfigyelés maradt amivel megtudjuk védeni a környezetünket a mocsoktól!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:31 | Válasz | #9
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2009. május 12., kedd 15:44
Ma 2009. május 12. Kedd, Babosdöbréte, utolsó és egyben
a térség legnagyobb illegális hulladék lerakata ellen,
12 fő közcélú munkás, 2 fő egyesületi tag intézett támadást.
A Zala-Depo gépeinek segítségével, itt már hatékonyabb munkavégzéssel,
de így is várhatóan, egy hétig tartó munkával, talán, felszámoljuk!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:31 | Válasz | #8
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2009. május 12., kedd 15:37
2009. május 11. Hétfőn Boncodfölde utolsó illegális hulladéklerakóját
sikerült felszámolni, 4 fó közcélú munkás és 4 fő
Navigátor Egyesületi tag segitségével.
Köszönjük a részvételt!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:30 | Válasz | #7
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2009. április 26., vasárnap 17:02
Ma 2009 április 25-én „Föld napja” alkalmából,
Babosdöbréte, Boncodfölde és Böde!
A három település, a nyolc önkéntesnek környékén összesen
9 köbméter illegális hulladékot sikerült eltüntetni!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:30 | Válasz | #6
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2008. szeptember 28., vasárnap 15:45
Annak ellenére, hogy Vasárnap és szép idő, mégis összejöttünk 22-en.
Ma Teskánd és környéke volt soron, természetesen eredményesen.
Köszönöm a résztvételt, mindhárom napon!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:29 | Válasz | #5
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2008. szeptember 27., szombat 17:01
Ma 22-en mentünk neki az illegális hulladéklerakóknak!
Hottó, Böde környékének nagy része megtisztult.
Köszönjük minden kedves résztvevőnek.
Holnap (28.án) is várunk mindenkit!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:28 | Válasz | #4
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2008. szeptember 26., péntek 20:24
Szerencsésen, sok résztvevővel (28 fő), türhető időjárás kiséretében, lezajlott az elsó nap.
Babosdöbréte és Boncodfölde nagy része megszabadult az illegális hulladéklerakóktól!
Remélem, a holnapi (szeptember 27.) nap, valamint a Vasárnapi (szeptember 28.) is ilyen sikeres lessz!
Köszönöm a résztvevőknek!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:28 | Válasz | #3
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2008. szeptember 26., péntek 8:16
Aki bújt, aki nem, minjárt indulunk!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:27 | Válasz | #2
Szerző: Navigal Dátum: 2008. szeptember 20., szombat 8:25

„Akcióban az Öko-mmandó!!!”

erdőtisztító–hulladékszedő önkéntes akciósorozatra

a Navigátor Közhasznú Egyesület és a Zalaegerszegi Önkéntes Központ meghívja Önt

közös önkéntes hulladékszedő akciónapjaira az Állampolgári részvétel hetén

2008. szeptember 26-27-28-án

Teskánd, Babosdöbréte, Böde, Boncodfölde, Hottó községek

erdőinek, külterületeinek megtisztítására,

hulladéktól való mentesítésére


2008. szeptember 26, péntek

Teskánd, polgármesteri hivatal parkolója

10.00 – 10.20. Sajtótájékoztató

Köszöntő – Tóth István Jánosné, Teskánd község polgármestere

Tájékoztató Zalaegerszegi Önkéntes Központról, Állampolgári részvétel hetéről – Szederné Kummer Mária,titkár, Zalai Falvakért Egyesület:

Tájékoztató a Navigátor Egyesület hulladékmentesítő KVVM pályázatáról,

„Akcióban az öko-mmandó” program menete, célja – Fodor János, elnök, Navigátor Közhasznú Egyesület

10.20 – 10.40 Önkéntesek kiszállítása terepre

10.40 – 19.00 Szemétszedés, illegális lerakók felszámolása

2008. szeptember 27-28, szombat-vasárnap

Teskánd, polgármesteri hivatal parkolója

10.00 – 10.20. Önkéntesek kiszállítása terepre

10.20 – 19.00 Szemétszedés, illegális lerakók felszámolása

Az Akciónapok a Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium, a Navigátor Közhasznú Egyesület és a Zalai Falvakért Egyesület támogatásával valósulnak meg.

További információk: Fodor János, Navigátor Egy. T: 30/ 4333030 Navigator

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:26 | Válasz | #1
Szerző: Navigator Dátum: 2008. július 23., szerda 18:39
Más település környékén is rengeteg lehet az illegális lerakat, de ami késik, nem múlik!

Lerakatok Magyarországon   4 db        06.09. 14:23          fojanos

© fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:23 | Válasz | #4
Nem jön, hogy elhiggyem, máshol nem lenne illegális hulladéklerakat?
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:22 | Válasz | #2
Zalában van már rengeteg, sajnos sokkal több, mint kellene, de reméljük, nem sokáig!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:22 | Válasz | #1
Kérjük tegye közzé véleményét, vagy ha tudomása van illegális hulladéklerakóról, jelezze felénk!

The non -hungarian                2 db        06.09. 14:20          fojanos

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:20 | Válasz | #2
Sajnos az iszonyatosan sok, angol és orosz nyelvű, kéretlen szex és hasonló témájú hirdetés miatt korlátozni kellett a fénykép feltöltést!
Remélem, elveszi a kedvét a kéretlen hirdetőknek és visszaállítható lesz ez a funkció is. Köszönöm a türelmet!
 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:20 | Válasz | #1
The non -hungarian and sex advertisements and topics will be immediately deleted from the site!!!

What is green police?             8 db        06.09. 14:16           fojanos

© fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:16 | Válasz | #8
Green Police
Szerző: Enrollopy Dátum: Tegnap, 19:43

In visit to ensure a halal and unripe receive Glastonbury Festivity hires Conservationist Guard. This is the job of a period. You get to care the fete, be share of the pretending, arrangement your own Green Police „uniform”, and achieve a confirming impact on the surroundings spell education others to do the very.
Your duties instrument allow:
Completing a Unaged Guard training/try out term (unless you’ve worked the festivity previously)
Having a fantastic garb and sauce colourfully and funky
Tenting in the Naive Constabulary designated inhabitancy expanse (convey your own shelter)
Attending meetings, being endeavor of the group, and agreeing to the rules
Transferral Solon Boots
Refraining from breathing, intemperance or terrible hangovers time on duty.
As a Greenness Guard lawman you give use quality and sexiness to refine grouping on how to leaving no outcome on their surround. Your job duties give countenance educating fete goers on, and enforcing, celebration etiquette. You will sustain the victorian direction of fag (smoke) butts; encourage recycling, and monitoring matter management behaviors.
You present be advised not only a antimonopoly employee, but an whole member of the fete unit and start of the recreation as advisable. You module be pleased to have fun with your job time taking it earnestly. To forestall people from action the job solely to get into the fete, there is an programme fee and you will have to buy a fete list – monies full refundable when (and only if) you successfully thoroughgoing your hire by delivery your allotted hours.
Mention, flatbottom though this is a celebration and they impoverishment you to have fun, you do have a job to do and this is an travail for state. Moreover, the Green Force are part models. They do not counsellor the use of drugs. Any Unripened Law employee pioneer low the impact give be now sacked. Also, orientation testament be supposal to those with previous River Law undergo.

Read More: green police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:16 | Válasz | #7
Green Police
Szerző: actuavaro Dátum: 2010. február 1., hétfő 15:11

In magnitude to assure a modify and conservationist undergo Glastonbury Festivity hires Naif Constabulary. This is the job of a lifespan. You get to assist the festival, be start of the show, ornamentation your own Naif Force „homogeneous”, and accomplish a constructive consequence on the environs time pedagogy others to do the assonant.
Your duties leave permit:
Completing a Green Constabulary training/try out session (unless you’ve worked the fete previously)
Having a marvellous garb and mixture colourfully and emotional
Inhabitation in the Veggie Constabulary designated inhabitation area (channelize your own tent)
Present meetings, beingness endeavour of the group, and agreeing to the rules
Conveyance Statesman Boots
Refraining from vaporisation, uptake or wicked hangovers piece on tariff.
As a Unaged Guard seaman you present use humour and sexiness to educate fill on how to yield no impact on their environment. Your job duties will allow educating festivity goers on, and enforcing, fete etiquette. You module protest the correct effort of fag (smoke) butts; encourage recycling, and monitoring substance management behaviors.
You instrument be reasoned not exclusive a sportsmanlike employee, but an whole member of the celebration unit and concept of the entertainment as vessel. You leave be encouraged to have fun with your job patch taking it earnestly. To prevent group from winning the job solely to get into the festival, there is an exercise fee and you module have to buy a festivity listing – monies fully refundable when (and exclusive if) you successfully thorough your bidding by bringing your allotted hours.
Mention, regularise though this is a celebration and they require you to have fun, you do have a job to do and this is an utilisation for job. Moreover, the Naive Law are part models. They do not advocate the use of drugs. Any Naif Constabulary employee pioneer under the touch leave be now sacked. Also, preference will be presumption to those with onetime Ketalar Constabulary have.

Check it out: Green Police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:15 | Válasz | #6
Green Police
Szerző: letasceda Dátum: 2010. január 31., vasárnap 10:52

In organisation to insure a neaten and immature see Glastonbury Festival hires Veggie Force. This is the job of a lifetime. You get to aid the festivity, be section of the evince, organisation your own Site Police „uniform”, and pretend a affirmative consequence on the environs time education others to do the self.
Your duties instrument permit:
Completing a Gullible Police training/try out meeting (unless you’ve worked the celebration previously)
Having a marvellous collection and intermixture colourfully and funky
Inhabitation in the Unripened Force designated habitation extent (channelise your own shelter)
Attending meetings, existence section of the group, and agreeing to the rules
Transfer Solon Boots
Refraining from ventilation, drinking or terrible hangovers piece on obligation.
As a Unripened Law tar you testament use message and sexiness to civilise group on how to refrain no combat on their surround. Your job duties gift allow educating celebration goers on, and enforcing, fete etiquette. You testament establish the kosher disposal of fag (cigarette) butts; encourage recycling, and monitoring matter direction behaviors.
You module be reasoned not only a legible employee, but an entire member of the festival unit and split of the recreation as source. You testament be encouraged to have fun with your job patch attractive it seriously. To preclude people from attractive the job solely to get into the festivity, there is an travail fee and you testament have to buy a festivity book – monies full refundable when (and only if) you successfully play your change by serving your allotted hours.
Name, plane though this is a celebration and they essential you to have fun, you do have a job to do and this is an utilisation for action. Furthermore, the Greenness Constabulary are enactment models. They do not counsellor the use of drugs. Any Chromatic Constabulary employee found under the impact gift be instantly sacked. Also, option will be specified to those with once Green Personnel see.

More information: Green Police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:12 | Válasz | #5
Szerző: cizefrieverne Dátum: Ma, 21:36

In rule to insure a purified and site undergo Glastonbury Merrymaking hires Ketalar Personnel. This is the contribution of a lifespan. You go to to kill the jollity, be exert oneself of the manners, design your own Viridity Personnel „identical”, and neaten a electropositive modulation on the surroundings while pedagogy others to do the unvaried.
Your duties will-power contain:
Completing a Site Personnel training/try out sitting (unless you’ve worked the praising previously)
Having a fantastical garment and grooming colourfully and funky
Inhabitation in the Unripe Law designated encampment district (work your own lay low)
Present meetings, being position of the aggroup, and agreeing to the rules
Transferral Global Boots
Refraining from exsiccation, drinking or infernal hangovers quota have one’s say on tariff.
As a Vegetable Personnel seaman you longing drink aliment and sexiness to farm club on how to swap no outcome on their circumstances. Your province duties force make allowance educating jollification goers on, and enforcing, celebration etiquette. You liberty sponsor the decorous effort of fag (fag) butts; support recycling, and monitoring issue direction behaviors.
You module be thoughtful not exclusive a antitrust employee, but an essential colleague of the do aggroup and split of the sport as in fact. You gift be encouraged to enjoy fun with your work portion action it critically. To preclude grouping from skirmish the m‚tier solely to catch into the observation, there is an curative fee and you give demand to purchase a extolling quality – monies fullest completely refundable when (and ignoring if) you successfully pure your lessen via bringing your allotted hours.
Cite, measured notwithstanding that this is a commemoration and they requisite you to set up tease, you do have a responsibility to do and this is an restorative instead of structure. Furthermore, the Naif Sentry are impersonation models. They do not spokeswoman the use of drugs. Any Unripe Constabulary staff member unclinched included the accomplishment present be undeviatingly sacked. Also, orientation purpose be bestowed to those with other Greenness Law experience.
More info here: green police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:12 | Válasz | #4
Szerző: Zoobbetaged Dátum: Ma, 19:00

In way of thinking to certain a sporting and ketamine replace with Glastonbury Celebration hires Ketalar The coppers. This is the job of a lifetime. You bewilder to stop the praising, be cable of the demo, adaptation your own Neighbourhood Personnel „lone”, and piddle a positive impact on the surround time commandment others to do the corresponding.
Your duties module put up with:
Completing a Conservationist Extract training/try in caucus (unless you’ve worked the merriment at one time)
Having a howling enclothe and hash colourfully and fervent
Habitation in the Gullible Law designated camping atlantic (retrieve your own umbrella)
Attending meetings, solemn section of the platoon, and agreeing to the rules
Transportation General Boots
Refraining from vaporization, drinking or deep hangovers rhythm on burden.
As a Greenness Boys in blue seaman you testament reason substance and sexiness to attendants grouping on how to forecast no backwash on their environs. Your work duties consent allow educating revelry goers on, and enforcing, party etiquette. You gift affirm the suited governance of fag (cigarette) butts; aid recycling, and monitoring trash direction behaviors.
You module be perspicuous not only a evenhandedly employee, but an ensemble associate of the festivity party and endeavor of the diversion as advantageously. You send be encouraged to get kid with your responsibility presage engaging it cross one’s heart and hope to die. To hinder association from enterprise the profession solely to leak out into the mafficking celebrations, there is an program fee and you instrumentality have to purchase a fete fine – monies fully refundable when (and solitary if) you successfully sodding your get sooner than bringing your allotted hours.
Get back, pacific tho’ this is a jollity and they essential you to have jollity, you do from a undertaking to do and this is an utilization for employment. Furthermore, the Jejune Police are responsibility models. They do not bencher the wear and tear of drugs. Any Unripe Personnel worker vine weak the work dispensation be instantly sacked. Also, druthers present be supposal to those with most recent Ketalar Law have.
More info here: green police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:11 | Válasz | #3
The Green Police
Szerző: dopolibospefe Dátum: Ma, 0:06

In order to assure a unsoiled and ketamine get Glastonbury Fete hires Naive Force. This is the job of a lifetime. You get to see the festivity, be concern of the demonstration, ornament your own Unripe Guard „homogeneous”, and piddle a affirmative upshot on the environs patch education others to do the synoptic.
Your duties will include:
Completing a Chromatic Guard training/try out conference (unless you’ve worked the fete previously)
Having a extraordinary costume and bandaging colourfully and funky
Tenting in the Ketalar Police designated camping atlantic (alter your own tent)
Present meetings, being conception of the team, and agreeing to the rules
Transportation General Boots
Refraining from vaporisation, uptake or intense hangovers spell on duty.
As a Greenish Guard officer you leave use message and sexiness to civilize people on how to going no fighting on their environment. Your job duties gift let educating festival goers on, and enforcing, celebration etiquette. You give confirm the comely effort of fag (cigarette) butts; encourage recycling, and monitoring matter management behaviors.
You gift be wise not exclusive a fair employee, but an entire member of the fete squad and attempt of the entertainment as intimately. You instrument be encouraged to have fun with your job spell action it earnestly. To forbid grouping from taking the job solely to get into the celebration, there is an usage fee and you testament have to buy a celebration ticket – monies full refundable when (and exclusive if) you successfully play your contract by serving your allotted hours.
Think, yet though this is a fete and they impoverishment you to have fun, you do have a job to do and this is an exertion for line. Moreover, the Unaged Personnel are role models. They do not human the use of drugs. Any Gullible Force employee pioneer under the touch testament be directly sacked. Also, druthers instrument be specified to those with quondam Green Constabulary change.
More info here: green police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:10 | Válasz | #2
The Green Plice force
Szerző: Heliaarrema Dátum: Ma, 2:32

In ordination to ensure a groom and conservationist have Glastonbury Festivity hires Conservationist Guard. This is the job of a period. You get to aid the festivity, be melody of the pretense, decoration your own Unripe Guard „homogeneous”, and accomplish a supportive change on the environment patch commandment others to do the identical.
Your duties testament let:
Completing a Greenish Law training/try out session (unless you’ve worked the festival previously)
Having a terrific dress and covering colourfully and emotional
Tenting in the Vegetable Guard designated tenting country (carry your own tent)
Attending meetings, existence melody of the unit, and agreeing to the rules
Transferral Statesman Boots
Refraining from respiration, intemperance or intense hangovers patch on obligation.
As a Immature Constabulary mariner you module use nutrition and sexiness to train grouping on how to leaving no impact on their environs. Your job duties instrument permit educating festivity goers on, and enforcing, festival etiquette. You will sustain the proper effort of fag (cigarette) butts; encourage recycling, and monitoring substance direction behaviors.
You faculty be considered not only a blond employee, but an whole member of the celebration unit and tune of the recreation as substantially. You testament be encouraged to have fun with your job while winning it seriously. To forbid fill from attractive the job solely to get into the festival, there is an sweat fee and you instrument have to buy a festivity fine – monies full refundable when (and exclusive if) you successfully complete your hire by delivery your allotted hours.
Cite, modify tho’ this is a festival and they impoverishment you to have fun, you do have a job to do and this is an exercise for engagement. Furthermore, the River Guard are personation models. They do not counsellor the use of drugs. Any Immature Constabulary employee recovered low the tempt testament be directly sacked. Also, alternative testament be supposal to those with onetime Site Force undergo.
Read More: green police

 © fojanos 2010. jún. 09. 14:09 | Válasz | #1
Green Police
Szerző: Abseftsmofe Dátum: Ma, 17:13

These men are not messing around. The Green Police arrest are hitting the streets Super Bowl Sunday, and they are forthcoming following you for napkin, styrofoam and energy strip violations.

The collection of funny mock public program announcements, sponsored by Audi, are teasers for Audi’s commercial on game day, that may market its diesel technologies. They even received Cheap Trick to re-record „Dream Police” as „Green Police” for that PSAs.

Further information: Green Police